-attribute in the button definition.
To do so with imgstyle
The value of this attribute will be used internally as the key to a
hash of coderefs named %imgstyle
I. e, to use this feature, you will have to write something like:
<navbar:render name="foobar" imgstyle="foo" select="foo.bar" ... >This alone will have no effect, unless you also define (in the same file as the navbar or in a separate include file) the corresponding function to render the buttons:
<: $imgstyle{foo} = sub { my ($file, $txt, $type, $level, $lang, $id) = @_; # actual code to produce the image here } :>
- is the name of the file to be generated.
- is the text of the button.
- is the
-type of the Button: 0 for normal, 1 for selected and 2 for over. $level
- is the level of the button in a hierarchical navbar (equivalent to the number of dots in the
-string). $lang
- is the language of the button, or the empty string.
- is the
-attribute of the button, what else.
Here is the code for the (admittedly slightly pathologic) example from the top of the page:
<: { my @cols=("white", "lightseagreen", "yellow"); my @spc=("", "* "); $imgstyle{foo} = sub { my ($file, $txt, $type, $level, $lang, $id) = @_; system ("(banner '". $spc[$level] . $txt . "' |\ asciitopgm 400 140 | pnmrotate 90 |\ pnmscale -height 20 -width 80 |\ pgmtoppm black-". $cols[$type]." | convert - " . $file . ") >/dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null"); } } :> <navbar:define name="example"> <navbar:header> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> </navbar:header> <navbar:footer> </table> </navbar:footer> <navbar:prolog> <tr><td> </navbar:prolog> <navbar:epilog> </td></tr> </navbar:epilog> <navbar:button id=foo img=foo.*.png url=dummy.html txt=foo> <navbar:button id=foo.bar img=bar.*.png url=dummy.html txt=bar> <navbar:button id=foo.bletch img=bletch.*.png url=dummy.html txt=bletch> <navbar:button id=quux img=quux.*.png url=dummy.html txt=quux> </navbar:define>